Is there a blessing, waiting for you behind your ask for help?
Adam’s blessing was. You know Adam–the first man God created? Yeah him.
For those of you who don’t here’s my shorten version: After Adam had named all the animals, He looked around him and noticed that every other species God had created came in pairs—male and female. The four-legged animals, the birds in the air, and the fish of the sea all had their own kind, except for Adam.
Adam realized there was nobody insight like him—no other human being. Adam was alone. Adam was incomplete. So, he decided to ask God a simple request. He said, ” Lord, I need a helper?”
Whenever I re-read the story of Adam, it always intrigues me. I often wonder why God, who is Sovereign, didn’t just create Adam and Eve as a pair, as He had done with other living creatures? Why did He wait for Adam to recognize his need of a helper? Did God not already know that Adam would have need of one?
I also think about the reasoning behind Adam’s request: did Adam ask for a helper because the desire was already in him? In other words, did God place the desire for a helper in Adam when he was created? Or, was it because Adam looked around and saw how complete and harmonious the other creatures lived amongst their communities desired the same?
I want to believe that both reasons were at the core of Adam’s decision to seek God for a helper.
Like Adam, many of us may recall a time in ourselves when we looked around us and it seems like everyone was accomplishing great things. Everyone around us had access to the right people to get them where they desired to be. Everyone– expect for you.
We all desire good things to happen to us especially when we see good things happening for others around us. Unfortunately some of us will never take the time to share our desires with others and in most cases we don’t even share them with God.
If you’re anything like how I use to be, you’re probably asking, “why do I have to share my desires with God when he already knows them?”