“I’m just waiting…. on the Lord.” You’ve heard that before, right? It’s especially uttered amongst the Jesus Freaks. I know because I am one and I used to say it a lot. It was my ultimate excuse when I didn’t know how to approach a project in my personal and business life. I thought if I put the responsibility on the Lord, then I could just patiently wait…. and do nothing.
This also helped me get all those people off my back that would persistently ask, “when are you going to get started?”
All this changed when I learned an acronym for the good book: BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).
You see, if we were really truthful with ourselves, most of us would testify that our “waiting on the Lord” is a result of fear. We are afraid to approach something that is new and that takes us out of our comfort zone. We are afraid of not being in control of the outcome. So instead we drain ourselves with “what if ” questions:
What if I fail?
What if I’m not good enough?
What if I’m laugh at?
What if I’m rejected?
What if I don’t have enough?
We, “what if ” ourselves out of the assignment and turn around and claim we’re waiting on the Lord. This is not to say that we are never waiting on the Lord, but the reality of waiting on Him can only happen once we have done our part.
From my experience, fear creates in us a false sense protection. When some of us exhibit fear we believe we’re protecting ourselves, our image. And so we journey life playing small and safe, thinking that we’re protecting ourselves from humiliation, but we’re really not.
Let’s take a closer look at this for a moment: how can you protect yourself from something you don’t even know exist?
Only God can do that for us. In fact, over three hundred times in the bible we are reminded “not to fear” yet amongst us FEAR is biggest roadblock.
Fear is not something we can visually describe. It’s a feeling and that’s why we often come up with excuses “I’m waiting on the Lord” instead of admitting, “I’m afraid.”
It’s time we stop using excuses to masquerade our fears. The best way to do that is to admit you’re afraid…stop saying you’re waiting on God when God is waiting on you.
I recently read this quote on a Facebook post:
“You don’t need God’s permission where He already gave you His promise”.
God’s word is our promise–the promise to love us and provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. He reminds us over and over again to not fear because He is with us. The mere fact that you are afraid is an indication that it’s God’s will for you. His will for us is bigger than our imagination; it’s no wonder why they feel so fearful.
Decide to be honest with yourself. God has already promised to be with you, and that’ all you really need.
Stop playing it small and safe. The world needs what you have to offer because we are all #born2bless.